March 01, 2016

Staff Awards and Recognition

We have a great team at Friends of the Children–Boston, and the community is noticing!

A testament to the dedication and skills of our Friends are two recent awards that two of our Friends were bestowed with.

In the spring of 2015, Frank Coleman, one of our Adolescent Friends, was a recipient of the inaugural Light of Dawnn Awards. Frank was one of only three youth workers selected from hundreds nominated for their work in keeping Boston teens safe. It was an honor for the organization to have Frank recognized and be a part of Dawnn’s legacy.

Keisha Gamble, also an Adolescent Friend, was honored by the Boston Celtics as a Hero Among Us for her relentless work with her teens and getting all her girls (and a few of the boys) jobs for the summer. Keisha has been a leader and champion in developing our Achiever Education and Career Aspirations program.