August 28, 2024

20 Years, 20 Friends: 1434 Foundation

Our next honoree in our 20 Years, 20 Friends series – in celebration of our 20th anniversary in 2024 – is a foundation who has been and continues to be instrumental in supporting a transformation of our Improved Health programming and who’s been a crucial partner in our growth – the One Four Three Four Foundation.

Congratulations to the One Four Three Four Foundation for being a part of our 20 Years, 20 Friends countdown!

To understand the One Four Three Four Foundation’s impact, we have to go back to 2016. While Improved Health was one of our five core focuses, the organization focused on physical outings and providing healthy snacks. The Foundation transformed this by partnering to invest in supporting the nutrition, healthy eating, and food security of our children.

It started with a Teaching Café at the back of our crowded then-Jamaica Plain space, which soon became a hub for our Achievers. Our adolescents learned the basics of preparing simple, healthy meals by making a list, budgeting, shopping at the grocery store, and then preparing the meals which all of our Achievers on outings there could enjoy. In fact, this inspired one Achiever so much that within two years, he was hosting a chef experience for some of our guests at our annual Friend Raiser!

Because of the One Four Three Four Foundation, nutrition became a strong part of our mentoring programming for all ages. When we moved to our new space in Roxbury, we prioritized a facility with more space for all ages, with a teaching café where we could “teach your colors” and independence skills, play kitchens stations for our Elementary, and a STEAM room for practicing recipe skills like making slime. We were able to increase our ability to support our families through emergency grocery cards when in crisis, which during the pandemic, became a crucial part of our new 2-Generation (or 2Gen) model.

“We believe deeply in the power and importance of relationships and were drawn to Friends of the Children–Boston because of their extraordinary commitment to providing youth with a long-term, nurturing relationship with a consistent and caring adult,” said Darcy Brownell of the 1434 Foundation. “The model embodies our core values – heartfelt, vibrant, practical, and organic – and drives meaningful results for youth and families in our local communities. We are proud to be a Friend.”

The One Four Three Four Foundation is a private foundation with an active grantmaking portfolio addressing three broad areas – arts and culture, food and agriculture, and education and mentoring – primarily focused in Greater Boston and the Merrimack Valley. The Foundation also operates a scholarship program providing targeted, flexible, and individualized financial and social supports that help first generation college students excel academically, dream and plan for meaningful careers, and develop the skills to secure long-term financial independence.

We’re grateful for the ongoing support of the One Four Three Four Foundation. Their support has made a lasting impact on our program and Achievers.