August 28, 2024

Achiever Spotlight: Zahra

Our monthly Achiever Spotlight highlights current and alumni Achievers. For current Achievers, we look at how the Friends-Boston program is impacting them today. For alumni, we see the role the program played in helping them to find success after they graduated. Their stories are part of our story, and we're excited to share them.

This month, we're highlighting a current Achiever: Zahra*.


Zahra* has only been with Friends-Boston for a short time. She began her journey with us this past March, and her Friend (Mentor) Jocelyn has been with her since day one.

Zahra's a typical child who loves to go to the park, play with her dolls, color, and make slime. But she's also had to overcome some struggles.

She loves school and is thriving in math class, but transportation issues have caused her attendance to not be consistent. Additionally, she has had difficulty with accepting and dealing with new situations. But through all of that, she's made great progress in a short time.

Jocelyn has been working with Zahra to be more adaptive and to go with the flow in new situations. Now, she's consistently saying, "That's OK, I'll just roll with it," when situations change. That's a huge improvement!

Plus, Zahra recently received a new bike from Friends-Boston and is learning how to ride it. She's so excited!

When talking about working with Zahra, this is what Jocelyn had to say: "Zahra is a beautiful soul and makes those around her feel loved and special. She's very empathetic and kind, and always quick to share a thoughtful compliment or word of encouragement. She brightens any room she's in!"

Zahra has the biggest heart and is quick to offer a kind word to those around her. She truly is a compassionate, strong, magnificent girl, and we can't wait to see what she'll accomplish in the future!

*Name changed