September 18, 2015

Back To School

School supplies ensure a successful school year.

Sometimes having access to the simplest things we take for granted can change the life of a child.

Eli is one of five children, and his mother struggles to purchase new school supplies and clothes at the beginning of every school year.

“Eli was teased and bullied throughout the school year because of his ripped backpack and old clothes,” said Ben Graham, his professional mentor. “I had to figure out something to do to help him out because it was affecting his academics.”

By the end of the school year, Eli worked hard to get out of going to school and completely stopped doing his homework. Eli’s mother was elated when she found out about the back to school bash at the end of the summer and had the opportunity to get all of her children backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming year.

“Each backpack is filled with different supplies based on if the child is in elementary, middle or high school,” Ben said. “It meant so much to Eli’s mom to have that extra support because her resources are strained raising five kids.”

That following school year, Eli’s grades began to rise, and he exceeded reading and math standards. Ben was able to connect Eli’s family with clothing resources, so he also had new clothes at the start of the year.

“Having school supplies and a new backpack was a huge breakthrough for Eli,” Ben said. “Sometimes, we don’t realize how having the proper tools for school is essential to having a successful school year.”

A huge thank you to Cradles to Crayons and Building Impact. They donated school supplies and backpacks to make sure our elementary Achievers are prepared and ready to start school with everything they need to succeed. To kick off the school year, we had a back to school bash and we had a great time!

Having the ability to provide our youth with the supplies they need to be prepared for the school year is a huge priority for us. Our Achievers are already faced with the odds stacked against them, and it is our job to make sure they have the tools they need to succeed and reach their greatest potential.