May 23, 2024

20 Years, 20 Friends: Liberty Mutual Foundation

Our next honoree in our 20 Years, 20 Friends series – in celebration of our 20th anniversary in 2024 – has partnered with us since 2009 to support our Achievers and their families – Liberty Mutual Foundation.

Congratulations to Liberty Mutual Foundation for being a part of our 20 Years, 20 Friends countdown!

Liberty Mutual Foundation has built a reputation for supporting nonprofits that are positively impacting the communities where they operate, particularly in Boston, where the company is headquartered. Their support is focused on advancing security and building resiliency for people and communities. Within those areas, they look for organizations that are focused on building long-term relationships for long-term impact. It’s our program’s long-term relationships that drew them to Friends of the Children-Boston.

Since 2009, Liberty Mutual Foundation has made approximately $585,000 in grants and sponsorships that have helped us to deepen the impact our program has on Achievers. This includes increasing their support during the pandemic with a supplemental grant to help us better respond to the needs of our Achievers and families, as well as a supplemental grant coming out of the pandemic to help with increased inflation costs. As Bryan Spence, National Director of Programs at Liberty Mutual Foundation, noted: “People’s lives rarely change over 12 months, so we aim to stand with our partners and invest in the long-term.” The multi-year approach is an element that has made the Friends-Boston program so impactful when it comes to making lasting generational change.

Along with their financial support, Liberty Mutual’s employees have provided much-needed volunteer hours interacting with our Achievers and helping staff through their Serve with Liberty program (for a recap and photos of this year’s program see below). The program has created a strong connection between Friends-Boston and Liberty Mutual that has enabled an open dialogue about the ongoing struggles families within the community are facing – important insights that have helped to shape Liberty Mutual’s understanding of the community.

Liberty Mutual is a leader in what it means to be a community partner and socially responsible by prioritizing the needs of the community and the organizations they partner with. They are a gold standard of what corporate social responsibility should look like. We are not the only ones noticing, Liberty Mutual was recently named to The Civic 50 — i.e, one of the 50 most community-minded companies in the United States — for the fourth consecutive year!

We’re grateful for the outstanding partnership and support that Liberty Mutual Foundation and employees participating in Serve with Liberty have shown to Friends-Boston over the years. Just last week, we welcomed 11 volunteers from the Liberty Mutual Public Relations team who spent their afternoon with us learning about Friends-Boston, having lunch with the elementary Achievers, and then helping our teens work on their personal statements. We look forward to continuing to partner with them to bring about lasting generational change within the lives of youth and their families in and around Boston.