July 31, 2024

20 Years, 20 Friends: Family Friends

Our next honoree in our 20 Years, 20 Friends series – in celebration of our 20th anniversary in 2024 – is a group of very special members of the Friends-Boston community who began supporting Friends-Boston in 2006 as part of a unique program – Family Friends.

Congratulations to our Family Friends for being a part of our 20 Years, 20 Friends countdown!

In 2006, Friends-Boston launched a program to create a lasting connection that allowed our community to build relationships with Achievers they were individually paired with beginning in the first grade. The Achievers and the participating families had the chance to grow into extended families. The program was called Family Friends, and at its height there were over 40 participating families.

The program initially began as a pen pal-style program with the families exchanging letters with Achievers. From there, we provided opportunities for outings that would allow everyone to meet and get to know each other further. Through this program, many of the connections that were built remain in place today. The program also allowed donors to build a connection with Friends-Boston that has lasted the tests of time, while also having opportunities to get exclusive early updates about the latest Friends-Boston news and program updates. Today, eight Family Friends are still actively supporting the work of Friends-Boston. In fact, several of them have even honored us by serving on our Board of Directors.

In addition, the Family Friends program was the catalyst for one of our most cherished events of the year – our Gingerbread Party. Every year, our Achievers and their families come together at Gillette Stadium, thanks to the generosity of the New England Patriots and the Kraft family, to celebrate the holiday season by decorating gingerbread houses and participating in fun activities. The event has grown over the years, and we’re always excited to welcome our wider Friends-Boston family to celebrate with us. Additionally, the program is also where our connection with taking Achievers to Boston Red Sox games began and continues today!

As one Family Friends participant, Karen Novakoff, remembered about her time participating in the program: “I was initially drawn to Friends because the model provided mentorship to children in the inner city that were most at risk but could thrive with a strong positive adult role model. Further, as a Family Friend we could create another support that was not just beneficial for the Achiever but for our family as well. We had great outings together including apple picking, bowling and museums. In addition, we celebrated birthdays and went to Rivaldo's sporting events. When he was younger, he was very interested in soccer, then football and finally basketball. We would attend his basketball games and other events too. One of the pictures is at Cheesecake Factory. Rivaldo called his friends to tell them what he was eating and take a picture of the food as he had never been there and couldn't believe the extra-large portions! One of my favorite events was going to Rivaldo's high school graduation.”

Being a Family Friend has been one of the most fulfilling volunteer experiences. As a donor, watching the organization grow and not only serve more Achievers but support the Achiever's family as well, will keep me involved for many years to come!

We’re grateful for the partnership that the Family Friends participants provided as part of this unique program. Though it’s no longer available, its legacy lives on in the connections that were made all those years ago. And the program’s ethos also lives on in our 2Gen program that provides whole family support to ensure that entire families receive the help they need to thrive as part of the Friends-Boston program.